Cortrinkau's Blog

Flowers around campus

In the month of April I developed a hobby of taking pictures of flowers I saw when walking around in my daily life. I like being able to capture them in full bloom, because it's so transient and temporary. For many of these flowers, the next time I walked past this area they had withered and become desiccated from the hot sun. (Most are not native to this area.)


These remind me of orange blossoms. The flowers look so much more verdant when seen from above.


I like how lush and verdant the petals on these flowers are.


Little red flowers next to a building used for meditation.


The flowers next to buildings are matched to the color of the brick wall they're placed against.


The striped white-and-red petals are my favorite. During the Dutch tulip craze, striped tulips were the most expensive, and red-and-white striped ones were the most prized of all.


This flower was so much less ostentatious than the others, I thought it deserved a spotlight of its own.


Behind the building for the philosophy and theology departments.

Cortrinkau's Blog

These flowers, bleeding hearts, grow in my grandmother's backyard. When I was little I used to pick them and try to exchange them for things as a currency.




These flowers grow by the shed next to the observatory.


I love how you can see the pollen on the petals of the flower, it reminds me of gold dust.


yellow marigold

A marigold

#botany #flowers #photography